Bull Sale
We host an annual bull sale here on the farm on the fourth Friday of March. We offer top quality yearling Charolais bulls. It is hosted in our sale barn by video where you will find it warm, clean and a relaxing environment. Complimentary lunch and refreshments are provided. Bulls are conveniently penned right outside the sale barn for easy viewing.
Bulls are NOT CREEP FED, they are raised on momma’s milk and grass prior to weaning. The Charolais bulls are weaned mid September. All bulls offered for sale are raised as breeding stock and are developed as such. Bulls are developed on a silage based TMR to gently target gains of 3-4 lbs/ day. The rations are designed to build muscle, not fat!. All bulls are semen tested; vet inspected and scrotal measured prior to the sale. Vaccinations are up to date on all bulls in the sale. Bulls are vaccinated twice with Bovi-Sheild Gold One Shot and Ultrabac 7, once in the spring prior to kick out to pasture with their booster shots done in the fall at weaning time. All are given Ivermectin at these times, as well as 45 days prior to sale day. Safeguard is given to weaned calves once they are eating well. Mothers are vaccinated yearly prior to breeding season with Bovi-Sheild FP5 and Tasvax.